Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy Birthday TWO you!

Audrey had her second birthday this month and she made the most of it.  She ate her Elmo cake and then went to the Wheaton Regional Park and botanical gardens. The following week she saw the Ringling Brothers perform (somewhat) harrowing feats of magnificence. It would have been more entertaining if someone had been trampled by an elephant or something. Probably my first and last time I attend a circus; they must make more money on concession crap than ticket sales.

Tasty Elmo!

Sophisticated Audrey

Look, a Tiger!

Ringling Bros Circus

Playing with rocks

Trains are awesome!

The winter here has been nonexistent save for the occasional snowflake. Shawna, Audrey and I skied Whitetail Resort on president's day weekend.  Audrey did more daycare than skiing, but I'm sure she still had fun. Shawna figured out how to snowboard and was able to keep up with me the whole time!!

Audrey's brain MRI in early Feb. developed no negative results thankfully. Doctors were looking for indications of cerebral palsy or some sort of brain cyst that may be inhibiting her gross motor skill delays. She is still an enigma. We recently had casts of her legs made to construct leg braces in hopes of helping her walk. We shall see what April brings.

Poor Audrey is sedated.  Wish I could do this every night at bedtime!

1 comment:

  1. Chad – Stumbled across you blog and figured that I’d join up, as you only have 2-members and no comments, so it’s sort of just a pity join. I figure that it would be a good way to see what you’re up to. BTW: Because of my strong disdain for social-networking, please do not refer to my real name, or any other personal identifying remarks in postings. I’ve developed the Bandersnatch account just for the purposes of anonymity.

    I hope things are going great for you three, I liked the photos of Audrey, she is adorable! I will pray that she grows up to be healthy and starts to walk soon. Believe it or not my oldest son didn’t start walking until he was 22 months and you’ve seen what he’s like now.

    Tried calling you the other day, left a message... Give me a call sometime.

    -Jay Bandersnatch
