Well maybe not steps but she can lay there with the best of them. By popular request, pictures of Audrey with her eyes actually open are posted. This is a rare moment, so feast your eyes on this marvel:
Every so often she takes a peak at the world.
She's usually good about eating. She hasn't showed much weight gain yet, maybe some day.
First bath at home. She's so thrilled she punches herself in the chin.
The day has come. Audrey is on tour, unplugged and acoustic! No monitoring chords, no IV, no blood pressure cuff, it's all baby. Of course this means that I am officially a full time dad. The timing worked out well, I spent late nights this week working on a senior design project and am now off for spring break. Audrey has been good-as long as she is fed she sleeps like a...well..baby. She does make weird snorting noises which makes me wonder if she's not part piggy. Must be from her mom's side. She's still trying to reach the 4 lb mark and as you can see by the size of her hat that she's still a peanut. But what she lacks in size she makes up for in sweetness. Her first wellness visit is on Monday and other than that, her life is on the open road.
Yesterday they removed Audrey's feeding tube. She has to fend for herself now. The new transition of eating 45ml by breast or bottle has led to many outfit changes due to her exorcist style of spitting up. Including many laughs and washings. Mom had the privilege of giving her a real bath. This is our new travel bug for Geo caching that we are sending out into the world.His mission is to see the sights and dabble in mischief for Audrey, Since she is stuck to her Isolette.Hopefully the troll will get sent abroad.
Here is a pic of the Isolette/plastic cage that Audrey has to sleep in for the time being, until she hits a certain mark in her weight gain to keep her sufficiently warm. I will be very happy when she is out of there. It will make changing her so much easier. Having a plastic barrier and limited space can be very challenging when changing diapers.
All tuckered out. She gives into slumber so easily, very peaceful. I figure she will become more photogenic in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps at least last long enough to have more eyes open photos, but then she squirms around to the point photos are blurry. Have to work on my photography skills.
Well Audrey is a whole week old now. I'm sure she's wondering why some disgruntled doctor ripped her from the womb so prematurely. It's probably akin to someone yanking you out of a comfortable warm bed and disrupting a really great dream. Dont get me wrong, she really enjoys her sleep. She sleeps almost as much as Eric. She fusses a little bit when she's placed into a new position but then slumps straight back into a peaceful nap.
Audrey has lost ~5 oz in the first 5 days but has managed to gain an oz back, weighing in at 3 lb 6 oz on Fri. night. The nurses have started fortifying the breast milk with extra calories so she can bulk up faster. It's like creatine for babies. She started feeding 8x / day at 4 ml and now she's up to 31! No wonder babies develop Buddha bellies. She has a feeding tube impaled up a nostril which is a bit unsightly but I guess that's better than having, say, a third eyeball. Shawna and I visit her 1-2x a day, and each visit Audrey seems to be getting stronger.
Hello world! In attempt to follow the Weaver's Flying Circus into the blogosphere Shawna and I have started this page for friends and family. Shawna and I were married at the Ada county courthouse on March 2nd. Our friend Anjuli was nice enough to take some pictures later that day. We would have liked to postpone the marriage up into the summer but we decided that our poor little baby Audrey needed some insurance coverage before she was born. Therefore, we will be holding a "reception" later this summer instead.
On March 17th, 2010 and one minute before the digital clock struck midnight, Audrey Elizabeth Weaver was delivered prematurely to this world via c-section. She weighed in at an astounding 3 lb 10 oz. This is low for her age but at least she's not floating away. All the nurses (including the male ones) think she's adorable but maybe they are required to say that by law. So without further ado, here is our little pumpkin!